Frensham has a rich culture of musical excellence. Students are supported in the pursuit of their musical studies by a committed team of professional teachers and Music Staff.
Practice Rooms in Glenn Music Centre, each equipped with quality pianos and three rooms fitted out for dual pianos and harpsichord are complemented by additional spaces for the four grand pianos available for rehearsal and performance.
Gifted and Talented Musicians
For the third year in succession, Frensham was one of five schools in NSW to receive a Certificate of Distinction from the Australian Music Examination Board (AMEB). The Award is based on the quality of musicianship of examination candidates and reflects the dedication and skill of our students and Music tutors.
Frensham is an AMEB Centre for Examinations and five of the tutors are themselves AMEB-accredited examiners.
Students can choose to learn from a number of instruments, from orchestral to contemporary. The four grand pianos are available for rehearsal and performance, in addition to silent pianos for private practice, along with drum kits, guitars and keyboards.
Music and Performance
In Clubbe Hall opposite Glenn Music Centre, the orchestra and choirs rehearse in a modern orchestral rehearsal room, whilst having access to a professional theatre complex. Students of contemporary rock instruments also have access to drum kits (including very popular ‘silent kits’), acoustic and electric guitars as well as electric keyboards and bass instrumentation housed in a separate studio.
Music technology is an important part of the contemporary musician’s repertoire with the full suite of composing software accessible and technical support on staff.
The Frensham Madrigals
The Frensham Madrigals is an award winning choral ensemble, which has achieved particular success annually at the prestigious Sydney Eisteddfod John Lamble Foundation Australian Choral Championship for Youth Choirs.
The music tradition at Frensham is at the heart of the School experience for every girl.
Enjoy two winning performances for the Sydney Eisteddfod Choral Champions 2021 – John Lamble Foundation Australasian Championship for Youth Choir (19/u) & Open Primary Choir (filmed June 2021) – Tulit Ergo by Michael Spencer, soloist: Liliy Hunt (Year 12) and Since You've Been Gone by Aretha Franklin & Ted White (arr. Michael Spencer), soloist: Grace Amos (Year 12).
Enjoy also a profound performance of Share Your Truth, uses as lyrics, text from 2021 Australian of the Year, Grace Tame's speech at the National Press Club in March, set to music for the Frensham Madrigals by their conductor Michael Spencer.